Sekhmet Hub

Sekhmet Hub

Healing Mental Illness and Trauma

Providing Support for
Mental Illness and Trauma

Welcome to Sekhmet Hub, the online network that supports individuals (men in particular) who suffer from childhood and lifetime traumas that led to mental illness and abuse. 

image from Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering

You Are Not Alone!

You can heal from your childhood and lifetime traumas!

You can survive the affects of mental, physical and emotional trauma on many levels, and once you have, your life can begin again and you will realise how amazing life can be.

Contact us today to discuss your situation

With Sekhmet Hub we can help you reclaim your life after many years of mental illness as a result of childhood and lifetime trauma and left to suffer in silence. Turn your life into meaningful experiences that go beyond the expected. See how we help you by:

  • Identifying the root cause of your traumas and learning how to heal and overcome them

  • Helping you realise that you are not defined by your trauma

  • Showing you that you are not "damaged", and you are not "broken".

  • Recanting, withdrawing and repudiating from self-limiting beliefs


    Ready to meet your new Self?

    Contact us for a private conversation today, and experience how our powerful programs will help you recover and reclaim your life and purpose!